New Year, New Season, New Goals

On this short episode Timothy, Christina and Leslie talk about new year goals!

Christina: [00:00:00] Welcome to the Taking the Lead podcast where we empower people to be unstoppable. I'm Christina Hepner with my co-host Leslie Hoskins and Timothy Kuo, and today we're gonna have a shorter episode because it's the new year. Yay. Yay. Happy new Year. Yay. Yes, it's our first. Um, We've been doing the podcast kids for a year now.
Leslie: the birthday anniversary. So wait, we started January the first week of January. Was it January 6th, I feel like, of 2022? Maybe? It was, I think whatever that
Christina: date sticks out. Okay. Whatever the Thursday fell on that year. I can't
Leslie: remember, but it was a big deal. It was, it was
Christina: a big deal. Yeah. It was the big deal.
Yes. I just looked
Timothy: the day before my birthday. That's right,
Leslie: ma'am. Yes, that's right. Your, your birthday's the seventh. The seventh, yes. Oh my goodness. That's so exciting. I'm
Timothy: getting old. I'm getting
Christina: old, man. Yeah, so it's the. Yeah.
Leslie: Happy one year [00:01:00] anniversary. I know, guys, we've done it. Group. Group hug. I know.
Group hug. Virtual group hug. . Yeah.
Christina: Virtual group hug. And to all of our listeners, we just have to thank you guys. Oh my gosh, so much for being
Leslie: a part. And for providing such great topics and ideas. Oh my gosh. Like we do, we get emails, we get posts on social media, we get people stopping by our office. We get recommendations from people who know us, who, whatever.
Um, and at events and stuff, it's just so great to hear the feedback that people are learning things about blindness and low vision about Leader Dog and just, you know, building. empathy and understanding about this whole community. And so like what an honor to be a part of this. Yes. I'm just so thankful.
Christina: Yes, and I just, I've learned so much. Like I've been with Leader Dog a year and a half now, I believe. A little over or a little under. I don't know. Anyways. But I've learned so much in my time here and I think a lot of that is being [00:02:00] so immersed in the podcast and getting to hear so much from our clients, our supporters.
Everybody. So it's just
Leslie: been really cool. Yeah, and I love
Christina: our topic today because we're gonna talk about New Year's resolutions and New Year's goals. Cause there's so many things happening. There's so much we wanna do with this podcast. And, um, just in general with the Leader Dog, the way we're going and personally, professionally, and also we wanna talk more about our free services in case it is something that is.
Resolution or a goal for the new year for someone to, you know, finally get services.
Timothy: Now would be a good time to put your application in because who knows, you might be when it's warmer, Michigan, you could be, you know, up there doing your can
Leslie: train. I love it when it's warmer. You might wanna, when it's warmer, ,
Christina: Timothy's like, yeah, get the application now and then come when it's warm.
We're gonna get, now we're gonna have so many people that are like waiting to come when it's warm , [00:03:00]
Leslie: hey, it's not
Christina: that bad when it's cold, because if you live in a cold
Leslie: environ, That's right. All you northern folks that are up here in it. Anyways, listen, if you can travel in snow, you can travel in anything.
And I firmly believe that with a cane, snow travel is hard. First of all, cane travel, dog travel, anything. It's hard. Nobody's ever gonna say that. This is easy. But if you can travel in the snow, you can do anything. So please get on the yak tracks. Come on in, we're ready for it. What's a yak track? I love that you asked.
Thank you. . . No, I was, I was thinking too, as Christina was talking a few minutes ago, like one thing I hear from a lot of people is they love Christina's perspective because she genuinely doesn't know and she asks the questions. Everybody wants to know. And I think you bring so much to this podcast because of that, because sometimes Timothy and I we're a lot more immersed into the community and the field, and so we.
We just assume maybe that people know or understand those things. So I appreciate you always bringing it back and letting us [00:04:00] know. Yes, Christina. Thank you guys. Yeah, I, I am, you're gonna make me teary eye today, . Yay. It's not me crying. That's her first. Finally. Um, yeah, tracks are something you can put like on the bottom of your shoe to help you grip, basically.
So like, the ones I have like have little metal coils. Oh, I've seen those. Yeah. So like when we're out working with clients in the ice and snow, we usually, you know, will say, Ask if they wanna borrow some yak tracks. It certainly helps with, you know, gripping. I have worn them or I did wear them too, especially when I was pregnant and out walking around in the snow or ice just to make sure that I didn't fall.
Yeah. So they're really handy and we certainly recommend any sort of resource like that to make people feel more comfortable when they're out traveling.
Timothy: I think I could have used those yak tracks last year when I did the thing for the dinner in the dark. Remember it? Snowing . Oh yeah. And I was a little nervous walking on.
That's the first time I ever done that with a guide dog. And I was a little worried. I wish I had them. Yeah,
Leslie: they're a great resource. So, but 2023, you guys were here. We're doing it. What is on the [00:05:00] docket? Timothy? What are you doing this year?
Timothy: Oh man. I'm. Uh, planning. I think I got three or four, uh, things to do with for Leader Dog.
And then I'm gonna go to Wisconsin again, probably September, October. And, uh, I, I'm, my calendar's already starting to fill up a little bit, so I'm excited.
Leslie: So, Wisconsin, to see the puppy Razr. Yep.
Timothy: We we're gonna make that an annual event, so we, we loved it. So we're gonna be going up there for quite
Leslie: a while.
I love that. That's so great. Any big conferences? Are you planning to go to N F B or a CB or anything like that this year? Uh,
Timothy: we'll see. Uh, we're gonna see about the nfb. Mm-hmm. , I'm kind of curious about the, a ACB and I really, you know, the top dog. I don't think it's gonna be going on this year, but maybe next year, the 2024.
I'm really interested about that top dog. So we're gonna see what's going.
Leslie: Yeah, you gotta keep me posted on that cause I haven't heard anything about Top Dog either. So these are big consumer conferences, national Federation of the Blind, American Council of the Blind. Um, these are big conferences that [00:06:00] they have.
Usually the first week in July, and I can't remember off the top of my head where they're being held, but one's
Timothy: in Illinois, the acps in Illinois, and uh, the N F B will be in Houston,
Christina: Texas. Ooh. It's gonna be hot in Houston.
Timothy: Well, three or four years ago was in Vegas, so ugh, it was
Christina: rough then. Oh, I be, Well, that's really, really cool to be able to, you know, go to these conferences and connect with people. I mean, it's just like any professional conference as well, you know, to be able to connect with so many people.
Timothy: It's great to be around somebody.
It's just like you, you know, we get to talk about our blindness or whatever's going on, and it, it's empowering to be around people and see how they, their lives are similar and they're going with their life, and it shows you that you can be.
Leslie: Absolutely. And that's where we met Timothy. Like that's how Timothy found Leader Dog is at these conferences.
These conferences are really important for so many reasons. It's a great opportunity to get large groups of [00:07:00] people together to advocate, to work towards a common goal, to find out about new resources, what's going on. So, um, leader Dog is always incredibly happy and proud to be a part of these conferences and, and be there and represent and talk about our services and also just help people while they're there sometimes.
There's a dog issue that might arise, and I will tell you that every guy, dog organization that is there in attendance, it doesn't matter who or where that dog came from, everybody is there to support. We're all working towards the same mission and it's just a really great opportunity to, to be around each other and yeah, be supportive.
Christina: That's awesome. Well, Leslie, I know you have some new goals with your, um, position and everything at Leader og. Yeah,
Leslie: I'm super excited. So I have been in the outreach role for two years now. This will be my third. Um, and I've been outreach department of one and I'm so excited to be, uh, including a new team member this year.
So I'm gonna have, um, a new team member to help me with all of this amazing outreach. We're [00:08:00] doing so many things. But there's just more that we can be doing. So I'm excited to spread our wings a little bit further, be at more conferences, be at more community events, just educating and advocating like we do so, Yeah, I'm really excited about that.
I think our department's, you know, really grown and I can't wait to see what we do this
Christina: year. Yeah, that is so exciting because I'm also excited because since we share an office, people will think that it's my team member too. , and I'll be like, so social media?
Leslie: Yeah. Christina's already like, so, but she can still help with this, this and this.
I'm like, wait a minute, she's mine. . She's trying to take you away.
Christina: It's fine. Trying to take her away. I know. I'm not though. I'm not. I'm very excited for Leslie cuz she has been. There's so many things I've, she's talked about wanting to do. Now she's gonna be able to provide a lot more to, you know, professionals and clients and
Leslie: we'll be able
Christina: to help out a lot more people, which is super cool.
Leslie: We also, everywhere I
Timothy: look. Everywhere I look, uh, Leslie's on [00:09:00] doing something for the Leader dog group or the, or the, the, the monthly, uh, collaboration or whatever. I mean, she's always around, so it'd be nice for her. She might be spread out a little bit too much. So we need a little help of,
Leslie: do some good
I, yes, I think it'll be really helpful. I do. I wanna be, And I was trying to explain like during interview processes when people ask about the job and it's like, I wanna be that liaison for everybody at Leader Dog. I wanna be the one that clients call if they have a question or prospective clients call if they're curious about services.
But I also wanna be there if a family member has a question or concern, or if a professional in the field wants to know how they can help somebody or what they can do or what we provide. So it is a lot of moving pieces and I don't always know the answer. So I'm looking forward to gain some other expertise on the team.
But. There's just, there's just so much to do and so this year we're gonna do a little bit more. . That's awesome. Yeah. We also have a group of community engagement volunteers that we're bringing on board. So one of the things that we get a [00:10:00] lot of requests for are to go to schools and scout groups and church organizations and talk about what we do, and again, educate on blindness.
So, um, putting together this kind of group that can go out and represent us and do those things. It's also great. I hate saying no, and I think that's probably a problem of mine is that I don't . Yes. So now I don't have to, but it won't necessarily be me doing it, which is exciting. It's really, really exciting.
Lots of fun
Christina: things happening. In the department, I am excited because there's so many things professionally I wanna do. Um, you know, I feel like my first year was just kind of honing my position, but now I wanna kind of take our social media to the next level. You know, keeping up to date with all the accessibility stuff.
There's so much changing in the digital world all the time. And so I think it's just, um, fun to keep evolving and. Ability is such a huge thing. So kind of going through, you know, what do we need to update? What do we [00:11:00] need to change? What are we, what can we do better? So that's kind of one of my goals for the new year.
And also just professionally, you know, keeping up with organizations and, you know, that digital world for non-profits. There's a whole, there's so many groups out there. So kind of keeping up with those groups and doing more, um, learning as well. Well,
Leslie: you do a fun job reality show. I feel like Timothy, don't you think we should be like keeping up with the leader dog instead of keeping up with the Kardashians
I like the way you think Christina said keeping up. I don't know. I feel like it's, it could be a thing. Can you imagine? Oh my gosh. We'll take the podcast now and. Add video and just follow along our daily life. . Oh, I don't know. Christina was like, I really don't know. Remember,
Timothy: remember her day starts at 4:00 AM
Leslie: so come me to the gym.
Yeah. They can get a good couple hours of Christina before they even have to come to the rest.
Christina: Yeah. Yes. I'll be on my like third [00:12:00] coffee by the time you guys are rolling out of bed.
Leslie: That's so funny. What about personally, what are you gonna do this year? Personally? What are your goals? Either of you. Both of you.
So I'm
Timothy: go, go ahead Christina. Go ahead
Leslie: ladies first. .
Christina: Okay. Well, just for me, um, you know, health and fitness is such a big thing for me. So I wanna continue to grow in that aspect, to try new things. Um, I'm trying to run more, which is. I don't like running, in case anyone's wondering. So I'm really, I'm doing our, um, frozen Paul 5k in January.
So I'm doing that and trying to do like one of those, uh, mud runs. Or whatever they're called. So I'm just, I'm trying to push myself more, um, in that aspect. Yeah. You guys are like looking at , Leslie's looking at me like I'm crazy. Like, but that is one of my goals.
Leslie: Yeah. Good for you. To me. Yeah.
Timothy: Well, I'm not, I'm not gonna be like her.
I can guarantee you [00:13:00] that. I mean, I need to get a little bit more healthier. I mean, we mm-hmm. and I'm getting older. Next couple of days. So I mean, everybody, uh, needs to do that. And I wanna walk a little bit more with Glacier. man, and, and, and I like to travel. I wanna travel a little bit more, so I'm gonna be able to do that and, and, uh, you know, and do the more of this podcast.
I enjoy doing this podcast and I really appreciate everybody listening. Uh, it's, it's a pleasure being doing this every week and it's, it's one of my highlights of the week.
Leslie: Thank you. And we should talk about Timothy, like we could not do this podcast without you. No. You bring so much to the table with your personal experience, both with Kane travel, with Guy Dog Travel, just being blind and sharing your experiences and being vulnerable with us.
I mean, we could not ask for more. And a co-host, um, And appreciate your time and dedication. Honestly, for our listeners, we will text Timothy just randomly be like, Hey, are you available in 10 minutes, ? Hey, are you available like every week for an hour, two hours? And he is, and he's just [00:14:00] flexible with us when things don't go as planned.
And our last minute sometimes requests and we just are so thankful for you. Yes,
Christina: very thankful.
Timothy: You guys make it easy. I enjoy being here with you too. You guys are the stars of this thing, so, oh,
Leslie: oh, I, we would highly, strongly disagree with you there, . Um, but that's very kind. Um,
Timothy: so what's going on with you, Leslie?
What's your personal
Leslie: thing? Yeah, personally, I think this year I wanna, I wanna slow down maybe a little. I think I've got, you know, two young kids and. I wanna make sure I'm living in the moment and enjoying all those small moments. I think one of the biggest things that people always say is like, the days are long, but the years go by fast.
And yeah, I'm feeling that to the core right now with my kids of just it. It's draining every day. of like school and packing lunches and work and the, all the hustle and bustle dance class and all those things, but just slowing down a little bit more and enjoying them and their sill. And they're absorbing and learning so many things and [00:15:00] just, just being present and enjoying my husband.
He's amazing and incredibly supportive, and I'm feeling very blessed and lucky, and I just wanna feel all the feels this year. I think that is a great goal. ,
Timothy: enjoy those kids. My, my youngest just turned 30, so it flies by
Leslie: so fast. It does. And I don't think you realize that until you're in it. Like people told me that all the time.
I used to roll my eyes like, oh my God, whatever. And then like, I'm in it. And my, my babies are three and five and I don't understand how that happened. And they know so much and they've got these little sassy personalities. And I just, I think I should be writing things down too. I, you know, I, I don't wanna forget all these funny little things that they do, and I don.
It's a fun time. I really am very lucky.
Christina: Yes. Well, and we have to talk about, you know, if other people have resolutions of, you know, checking out Leader Dog or coming to Leader Dog, that a huge reminder. Our services are completely free.
Leslie: Oh my gosh. Completely free. And nobody really understands that. Yeah.
Still truly like free. We [00:16:00] don't ask for a credit card number. We don't do any of that. We provide free. Travel airfare, wherever you are in the US and Canada, we pick you up at the airport. We bring you to our campus. You stay on campus. It's like staying in a hotel. You've got your own room. Bathroom meals are provided.
Our kitchen's amazing at any dietary restrictions or food allergies. So we take all that kind of added stress away to provide this amazing, uh, free training cuz we believe everybody should be traveling independently and we wanna empower people.
Timothy: And that's impactful cuz somebody could be out there just on a disability check or, and they don't have the money to do that.
And that's what makes it great. It makes somebody's future change because of Leader Dog and just having a free and, and it's just, it's just great. And that's a huge thing. .
Christina: Yeah. And there is no fine print. I think people will call sometimes and be like, so what's the deal with this? Yeah. or like, what's the, what's the fine print that you guys are holding out on?
And there is none. And we can do [00:17:00] this because of our generous donors. The Lions Club organization. They provide us so much to us. They're advocates, they're donors. and just our corporate partnerships. There's so many people that give to Leader Dog that we're so thankful for that pro help us provide these services free of charge, and we hope we continue to do that for the rest of.
Time. Time forever. ,
Leslie: we're never going away. And just a reminder, we offer guide dog training. Anybody who's interested in getting a guide dog, we offer orientation and mobility, which is that long white cane training. And that's whether or not you wanna guide dog. I also wanna mention too, that we col collaborate with other agencies and organizations.
So if you're receiving services elsewhere, that's. We encourage that it's not gonna impact you getting services through us. We have a lot of flexibility, um, on who we can serve because we don't receive any state or federal funding and we're completely [00:18:00] philanthropically funded. Please call us. Like, if you're thinking about it, now's the time.
Call us. We've got a camp, a teen summer camp for kids who are 16 and 17 years old who wanna meet other people. It's just. I, I don't think we can speak highly enough about what we've got going on here, but if you're starting to question it or if you have a family member or loved one who maybe could benefit, call us.
Let's just chat. Let's talk about what we have to offer, if it's a good fit and what we can do to support you.
Christina: Yeah, and it blew my mind when I started here. How much. Leader Dog can provide. And even if you're just not sure, you know, you go on our website and you're like, okay, I'm not sure if I would be a good fit for this one.
Literally, we have a team of people that. Can answer your, your call or you can, you know, email our podcast email and we can put you in contact with the right person. So
Timothy: inquiring, you know, inquire about it. I mean, you don't have to be make that decision at the moment, but, you know, take [00:19:00] that first step and you'd be surprised how the things start rolling.
And I'm glad I made that step. I didn't want to be a. And don't be a Zack. Don't be a Zack. Go out and call Leader Dog. They will change
Christina: your life. Yes. And if you haven't listened, we do have a episode called Don't Be a Zack. That is what we're referring to there. for those who might be a little lost on this, but I think this is just such a great way to start off
Leslie: the new year.
Yes, thank you. Yes. Uh, to both of you, Timothy and Christina, I have absolutely loved this last year of doing this podcast and look forward to another year of sharing stories. Absolutely, and thank you so much to our listeners for listening to this shorter episode of Taking the Lead and all of our goals and ambitions for this 2023 year.
I am Leslie Hoskins with host Timothy Kuo and Christina Heppner. Please join us next week as we continue to dive into the world of blindness.
Christina: Yes, and if you'd like to learn more about applying to our free services at Leader Dog, you can head to leader [00:20:00] or call us at (888) 777-5332. And don't forget, you can reach us at taking the with any questions or ideas.
If you'd like today's podcast, make sure to hit subscribe and check us out wherever podcast. This season of the Taking the Lead podcast is brought to you by a longtime supporter of Leader Dog, the Mary P DL Halleran
Leslie: Foundation. As you may know, generous donors like this one make it possible to achieve our mission.
The Mary P
Christina: DL Halleran Foundation supports the study of mathematics and mathematics education.
Leslie: For more information about our generous sponsor, visit their website at

2021 Leader Dog